Monday, May 16, 2011

Our life as spirals

All of nature is seen to move in spirals. Opposite forces react to each other to bring ebb and flow. Life moves constantly never staying still for even a second. As water flows our life flows.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


With the snow starting to melt, adventures have started to take place! It is amazing what you can find when you turn down a dirt path, or take the higher road you normally pass by.
Remember to look around once in while or life might pass you by. Look out of the corner of your eye, take a leap of faith, take the path less trodden and treasures lie in wait for you.
That is one of my goals for the summer. I want to find places that are under my nose that I have yet to find. I want to find the magic that surrounds me and let myself go wild!