Thursday, July 1, 2010

Are we losing our earthly connection?

I have a Buddhist Quote which my Dad got me a few years ago and I'm trying to put into practice what each day teaches. It is amazing how profound many of these sayings are and how I have to tell myself so often not to worry about things which in the end can often seem so insignificant. I of course know that we have to be realistic and relevant to our lives but how we if we simplify our lives how the results can often be a shift to happiness, contentment and fulfilment.
Today's quote was particularly influential to me at my particular point in life at the moment:
"Want what you have and don't want what you don't have. Here you will find true fulfilment" - Jack Kornfield.

We can spend so much of our time being jealous of others, wanting what we don't have and what we maybe believe we should have or deserve. It seems the materialism of the world is growing at such an alarming speed. There is always a newer model, a brighter, bigger one. Conversations are cut short by games, TV, the internet. We forget to get outside and experience the world, sounds, smells, sights. We want more and more and take more and more. I spent the evening at the pub and all 4 people at the table were on their i-phone playing a game with each other! What happened to engaging in stimulating conversation?! Are we losing our connection with people, our society, the planet. I recently watch James Cameron's "Avatar" and now believe that perhaps this is the direction we are headed in however far fetched it may now seem.

We must use technology to inform and educate us but not take us over. We have to remember how incredible it is to smell the ocean, hear a child laughing, have wind in our hair. I certainly do not want to find myself within a digital world with no way out . . . .

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